17 Dec 2010

Flying Cameras and Explosive Landings

The thing about Christmas parties and free booze is, that you are pretty much guaranteed to drink more than you would normally.  And if the free bar includes Jameson's Irish Whisky, well then you might leave early because you suddenly become acutely aware of how wrecked you are and then drop your trusty Canon SureShot instamatic camera on the platform of Vauxhall station, watching in slow-motion horror as it explodes into millions of bits at your uc nstable feet.

If I can recover the film that is currently residing in the destroyed and mangled carcass of my poor Canon, I'll post them up in a kind of emotional farewell, obituary stile post. For now, here are a few random shots from the film before last.

copyright 2010 scott madill

copyright 2010 scott madill

copyright 2010 scott madill

copyright 2010 scott madill

1 comment:

  1. nooo! it's always tough when one of your little lensy buddies eats shit..but on the upside, always fun finding a new one!
