27 May 2011

Dancing To The Tune of a Hot Day in May

I finally got round to putting this thing together. 

Since last Saturday's skate at the Fox Spot I've been battling on my bike against gail-force winds, thunder storms, torrential rain, what I'm sure was a mini-tornado going round Hammersmith roundabout and generally being too busy to skate even if the weather wasn't like a cautionary tale from the bible.

So have a look at the video below and take solace in the fact that there will be more days this year as hot as last Saturday, there are great places to skate in London both public and secret and the weather-men says it's dry on Sunday, let's hope it stays that way.


1 comment:

  1. Hello..
    I think you like hot days.
    thats why you are dancing in the tune of hot days.
    Lab coat
