The Birthday Skatebash for Johners on Friday night was a killer night. Skating pretty solidly from 7 till midnight with BBQ sausages, Burgers and Beer for energy, seemed to work just fine.
Faces in attendance include Jamie Aarrgh, Laurie Sherman, Martyn T, Tall Tim, French, Ivan and many more locals such as Leo,Will, James and Jack was skating (tut tut jack), even Justin Brock turned up and threw down some beastly tricks like a F-S Big-spin Lien on the bowl, properly sick. I was enjoying skating so much I didn't pull my camera out of my bag once, so you'll have to take my word for it.
Martyn was killing it all night, skating topless with the cornish flag draped over him, rolling around after trying to ollie the weirdest lines and losing a few inches of skin and hitting up Drop-knee 50-50's on the block at full speed in the dark around midnight. Like I said, I have no pictures so here's a photo of martin doing a road gap a little while ago.
Stockwell has the unique ability to produce nights like Friday. The BBQ on the grass, a good mix off people, visitors from all over London and the British Isles and thanks to Mr. Brock we even had the Trans-Atlantic flavor handled.
I wonder who's birthday is up next?